A New Guide on EFT Tapping for Anxiety

Mar 27, 2021

Hi Everyone,

I just posted a new complete guide on EFT Tapping for Anxiety. This will be the first in a series of Guides for various issues. These guides are designed to put out the major fires fast so you can focus on the more nuanced work of using EFT for personal transformation. Courses coming in that soon. For now:

Click Here to access EFT Tapping for Anxiety: A Complete Guide to Feeling Better Fast

Important Links

If you haven’t taken my free EFT Training Boot Camp, click here to do so.

If you need any help in developing an EFT Tapping Plan or would like to work directly with a Coach, I would love to work with you. Click the link to schedule a free 15-minute EFT Coaching Consultation or go ahead and book a full 75-minute Clinical EFT Coaching Session

Click this link to learn about and register for our Free Live BodyMind EFT Tapping Circles.

Click this link to register for reminders and invitations to our Free Live Meditation Classes.